Payment SDK
The Payment SDK allows you to embed Wonder Payment Gateway's payment capabilities into your application. Supported both Web and Native.
Overall Flow
- Please use Create Order API to pre-create an order on your backend side.
- Initializing Payment SDK with Order number and AppID.
- If you need to support the user credit card tokenisation feature, then you also need to get the unique customer token via the API, refer Create customer APIinfo
Once you receive the callback from the payment sdk, you should call the Query Order API to query the backend status.
Integrate SDK into your project
Add the SDK to the project
Our SDK helps customer build customizable payment flows into your applications, available in both Android and IOS app.
- iOS
- Android
- Flutter
In your Podfile add the following lines:
pod 'WonderPaymentSDK'
pod 'WonderPaymentSDK', 'x.x.x'
In your Info.plist add the following lines:
// If you use WechatPay, you must add a dependency
In your AppDelegate.swift add the following lines:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
return WonderPayment.handleOpenURL(url: url)
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return WonderPayment.handleOpenURL(url: url)
Initiate the SDK
To initiate the SDK, customer needs know:
-Set Up the Payment Configurations. Retrieve appID
as a first step when initiating the SDK when you onboard on Wonder, in order to get access to our Payment Gateway configurations.
For specific methods such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Wechat Pay, you will be required to apply directly with the schemes in order to obtain the unique identifier, for the activation of those methods.
-To set up a method for future payments, you must generate a customerID
for Tokenisation process.
-Customer can opt to customise the UI of the payment elements, or follow the default UI settings.
Set up payment configuration
paymentConfig: PaymentConfig(
appId: "f3615c8b-e402-48ac-bcd9-5af7a473ebdc",
customerId: "87d8f5a5-e745-456d-938e-065bb77cedc7",
fromscheme: "paydemo",
// staging, alpha, production
environment: .staging,
public enum Locale: String {
case zh_CN = "zh-CN", zh_HK = "zh-HK", en_US = "en-US"
locale: .zh_HK,
wechat: WechatConfig(
appId: "wx5ac0eb5676b32e80",
universalLink: ""
applePay: ApplePayConfig(
merchantIdentifier: "",
merchantName: "Jek",
countryCode: "HK"
uiConfig: UIConfig(
displayStyle: .confirm
PaymentConfig class
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
appId | String | Y | The APP ID generated from New Api credential on Wonder Dashboard |
customerId | String | N | This field is needed if customer would like to access to tokenisation feature, check out tokenisation feature here. User can create the customerId by calling the Create Customer API. Refer to: |
fromscheme | String | Y | Used to redirect back to the customer’s app after app-to-app call payment is completed. |
environment | enum | N | The environment of the payment SDK. Available options are:.staging, .alpha, .production |
locale | enum | N | Localised language that the app is opened in. Available options:.zh_CN .zh_HK .en_US |
WechatConfig | N | Refer to the below configs if customer wants to enable Wechat Pay payment. To apply for in-app Wechat Pay acceptance, view more at | |
-- appId | String | Y | The appId applied on WeChat pay, the merchant need to give it to our side for WeChat Pay configuration. |
-- universalLink | String | Y | The official website of the merchat’s app |
applePay | ApplePayConfig | N | Refer to the below configs if customer wants to enable Apple Pay payment. To apply for Apple Pay, view more at |
-- merchantIdentifier | String | Y | An identifier you register with Apple that uniquely identifies your business as a merchant able to accept payments. |
-- merchantName | String | Y | The merchant’s display name that the Apple Pay server associates with the payment token. |
-- countryCode | String | Y | The merchant’s two-letter ISO 3166 country code. |
UIConfig class
public class UIConfig {
public var background: UIColor = .white
public var secondaryBackground: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FFF7F8F9")
public var primaryTextColor: UIColor = .black
public var secondaryTextColor: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FF8E8E93")
public var primaryButtonColor: UIColor = .black
public var secondaryButtonColor: UIColor = .white
public var primaryButtonBackground: UIColor = .white
public var secondaryButtonBackground: UIColor = .black
public var secondaryButtonDisableBackground: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FF8E8E93")
public var textFieldBackground: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FFF5F5F5")
public var linkColor: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FF0094FF")
public var errorColor: UIColor = UIColor(hexString: "#FFFC2E01")
public var borderRadius: CGFloat = 12
/// Choose the confirmation mode. If it is false, the confirmation button will not be displayed. Click the button to pay directly
public var displayStyle: DisplayStyle = .oneClick
/// to display the payment result in paymeny SDK or not
public var showResult: Bool = true
public enum DisplayStyle: String {
//One key, double confirm
case oneClick,confirm1
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
background | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
secondaryBackground | Color | N | Default data: #F7F8F9 |
primaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #8E8E93 |
primaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
primaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
secondaryButtonDisableBackground | Color | N | Default data: #8E8E93 |
textFieldBackground | Color | N | Default data: #F5F5F5 |
linkColor | Color | N | Default data: #0094FF |
errorColor | Color | N | Default data: #FC2E01 |
borderRadius | float | N | Default: 12 |
displayStyle | enum | N | User can choose how the general UX flow of the payment selection process on Wonder pre-built payment page. Options: confirm, oneClick.Default data: oneClick |
showResult | boolean | N | This is to set if customer would like to determine that, upon payment result is returned, the flow should be redirecting back to Wonder pre-built payment result page or not.Default data: true |
Initialize Payment Intent, and Complete Payment Immediately
Upon successful SDK configuration set up, the customer can initialize and open Wonder pre-built payment session for every payment intent. The app user can select the pre-enabled payment options in the pre-built UI page to complete the payment. This flow is to trigger and complete payment continuously in one flow.
let paymentIntent = PaymentIntent(
amount: 0.1,
currency: "HKD",
orderNumber: "202403081229292766405205"
WonderPayment.present(intent: paymentIntent) {
result in
Present Result Object [PaymentResult]
This section presents the result of the payment intent.
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
status | enum | Y | completed, canceled, failed |
code | string | N | If the payment goes wrong, an error code is returned |
message | string | N | If the payment goes wrong, an error message is returned |
Alternative Flow - Initialize Payment Intent, and Pay Later
Alternatively, the customer can choose to initialize the payment intent, and save the payment method option, and then pay later during the checkout process. This is suitable for customer that wishes to let their payer to pre-choose the default payment method first (step 1), and then complete payment later (step 2).
Step 1: Select payment method
let paymentIntent = PaymentIntent(
amount: 0.1,
currency: "HKD",
orderNumber: "202404181750209612110734"
let newIntent = paymentIntent.copy() paymentIntent) {
method in
newIntent.paymentMethod = method
Step 2: Start the payment process newIntent) { result in
View your current payment method and add a verified credit card
Add the SDK to the project
In your Project/build.gradle add the following lines:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
In your Project/app/build.gradle add the following lines:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.wonder.payment.sdk:wonderpayment-android:v1.x.x'
wechat pay configuration
// Create an empty Activity in the application package name directory and add the following to the manifest file:
android:targetActivity="com.wonder.payment.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryResultActivity" />
Initiate the SDK
To initiate the SDK, customer needs know:
-Set Up the Payment Configurations. Retrieve appID
as a first step when initiating the SDK when you onboard on Wonder, in order to get access to our Payment Gateway configurations. For specific methods such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Wechat Pay, you will be required to apply directly with the schemes in order to obtain the unique identifier, for the activation of those methods.
-To set up a method for future payments, you must generate a customerID
for Tokenisation process.
-Customer can opt to customise the UI of the payment elements, or follow the default UI settings.
Set up payment configuration
appId = "f3615c8b-e402-48ac-bcd9-5af7a473ebdc",
customerId = "87d8f5a5-e745-456d-938e-065bb77cedc7",
environment = PaymentEnv.STAGING,
locale = Locale.US,
wechatAppId = "wx5ac0eb5676b32e80",
googleConfig = GoogleConfig(
countryCode = "HK",
currencyCode = "HKD",
merchantId = "BRC2DN4H8T7I76EZ",
merchantName = "Jek Limited"
background = Color.BLACK,
primaryTextColor = Color.WHITE,
secondaryTextColor = 0xFFEBEBEB.toInt(),
primaryButtonColor = Color.BLUE,
primaryButtonBackground = Color.GRAY,
secondaryButtonColor = Color.YELLOW,
secondaryButtonBackground = Color.GREEN,
borderRadius = 0f,
displayStyle = DisplayStyle.ONE_CLICK,
showResult = true
PaymentConfig class
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
appId | String | Y | The APP ID Generated from New Api credential on Wonder Dashboard |
customerId | String | N | This field is needed if customer would like to access to tokenisation feature, check out tokenisation feature here. User can create the customerId by calling the Create Customer API. Refer to : |
environment | enum | Y | The environment of the payment SDK. Available options are:.staging, .alpha, .production |
locale | String | N | Localised language that the app is opened in. Available options:.zh_CN .zh_HK .en_US |
wechatAppId | String | N | The appId applied on WeChat pay, the merchant need to give it to our side for WeChat Pay configuration. |
googleConfig | GoogleConfig | N | Refer to the below configs if customer wants to enable Google Pay payment. |
-- countryCode | String | Y | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction is processed. |
-- currencyCode | String | Y | The ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code. |
-- merchantId | String | Y | A Google merchant identifier issued after registration with the Google Pay & Wallet Console. |
-- merchantName | String | Y | Merchant name encoded as UTF-8. Merchant name is rendered in the payment sheet. |
UIConfig class
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
background | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
primaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #8E8E93 |
primaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
primaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
borderRadius | float | N | Default: 12 |
displayStyle | enum | N | User can choose how the general UX flow of the payment selection process on Wonder pre-built payment page. Options: confirm, oneClick.Default data: oneClick |
showResult | boolean | N | This is to set if customer would like to determine that, upon payment result is returned, the flow should be redirecting back to Wonder pre-built payment result page or not.Default data: true |
Initialize Payment Intent, and Complete Payment Immediately
Upon successful SDK configuration set up, the customer can initialize and open Wonder pre-built payment session for every payment intent. The app user can select the pre-enabled payment options in the pre-built UI page to complete the payment. This flow is to trigger and complete payment continuously in one flow.
PaymentIntent(1.0, "HKD", "orderNumber"),
) {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, it.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
Present result object [PaymentResult]
This section presents the result of the payment intent.
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
it | class | Y | PaymentResult.Completed, PaymentResult.Failed, PaymentResult.Canceled |
Alternative Flow - Initialize Payment Intent, and Pay Later
Alternatively, the customer can choose to initialize the payment intent, and save the payment method option, and then pay later during the checkout process. This is suitable for customer that wishes to let their payer to pre-choose the default payment method first (step 1), and then complete payment later (step 2).
Step 1: Select payment method {
Step 2: Start the payment process
paymentController =
) {
Integrate third-party payments to get payment results
// Use paymentController = to add
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
paymentController?.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
View your current payment method and add a verified credit card
Add the SDK to the project
1. In your pubspec.yaml add the following lines:
wonder_payment_plugin: ^x.x.x
2. If it is iOS,
in your Info.plist, add the following lines:
This is configuration of whitelist
If you use Wechat Pay, you must add a dependency
If Android:
Create an empty Activity in the application package name directory and add the following to the manifest file:
android:targetActivity="com.wonder.payment.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryResultActivity" />
3. If iOS
In your AppDelegate.swift add the following lines:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, open url: URL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: Any) -> Bool {
return WonderPayment.handleOpenURL(url: url)
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return WonderPayment.handleOpenURL(url: url)
Initiate the SDK
To initiate the SDK, customer needs know:
-Set Up the Payment Configurations. Retrieve appID
as a first step when initiating the SDK when you onboard on Wonder, in order to get access to our Payment Gateway configurations. For specific methods such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Wechat Pay, you will be required to apply directly with the schemes in order to obtain the unique identifier, for the activation of those methods.
-To set up a method for future payments, you must generate a customerID
for Tokenisation process.
-Customer can opt to customise the UI of the payment elements, or follow the default UI settings.
Set up payment configuration
paymentConfig: PaymentConfig(
environment: PaymentEnvironment.staging, // [staging | alpha | production]
appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",
fromScheme: "YOUR_APP_SCHEME",
wechat: WechatConfig(
applePay: ApplePayConfig(
merchantIdentifier: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER',
merchantName: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_NAME',
countryCode: 'HK',
googlePay: GooglePayConfig(
merchantName: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_NAME',
countryCode: 'HK',
currencyCode: 'HKD',
uiConfig: UIConfig(
displayStyle: DisplayStyle.confirm,
The attributes of UIConfig are as follows:
class UIConfig {
Color? background;
Color? secondaryBackground;
Color? primaryTextColor;
Color? secondaryTextColor;
Color? secondaryButtonColor;
Color? secondaryButtonBackground;
Color? primaryButtonColor;
Color? primaryButtonBackground;
Color? primaryButtonDisableBackground;
Color? textFieldBackground;
Color? linkColor;
Color? errorColor;
double? borderRadius;
DisplayStyle? displayStyle;
bool? showResult;
PaymentConfig class
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
appId | String | Y | The APP ID Generated from New Api credential on Wonder Dashboard |
customerId | String | N | This field is needed if customer would like to access to tokenisation feature, check out tokenisation feature here. User can create the customerId by calling the Create Customer API. Refer to : |
environment | enum | Y | The environment of the payment SDK. Available options are:.staging, .alpha, .production |
locale | String | N | Localised language that the app is opened in. Available options:.zh_CN .zh_HK .en_US |
wechatAppId | String | N | The appId applied on WeChat pay, the merchant need to give it to our side for WeChat Pay configuration. |
googleConfig | GoogleConfig | N | Refer to the below configs if customer wants to enable Google Pay payment. |
-- countryCode | String | Y | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code where the transaction is processed. |
-- currencyCode | String | Y | The ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code. |
-- merchantId | String | Y | A Google merchant identifier issued after registration with the Google Pay & Wallet Console. |
-- merchantName | String | Y | Merchant name encoded as UTF-8. Merchant name is rendered in the payment sheet. |
UIConfig class
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
background | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
primaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryTextColor | Color | N | Default data: #8E8E93 |
primaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
primaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonColor | Color | N | Default data: #000000 |
secondaryButtonBackground | Color | N | Default data: #FFFFFF |
borderRadius | float | N | Default: 12 |
displayStyle | enum | N | User can choose how the general UX flow of the payment selection process on Wonder pre-built payment page. Options: confirm, oneClick.Default data: oneClick |
showResult | boolean | N | This is to set if customer would like to determine that, upon payment result is returned, the flow should be redirecting back to Wonder pre-built payment result page or not.Default data: true |
Initialize Payment Intent, and Complete Payment Immediately
Upon successful SDK configuration set up, the customer can initialize and open Wonder pre-built payment session for every payment intent. The app user can select the pre-enabled payment options in the pre-built UI page to complete the payment. This flow is to trigger and complete payment continuously in one flow.
final intent = PaymentIntent(
amount: 0.1,
currency: "HKD",
orderNumber: "202403081229292766405205",
final result = await WonderPaymentPlugin.present(intent);
Present result object [PaymentResult]
This section presents the result of the payment intent.
Variable | Type | Required | Description |
status | enum | Y | Completed, Canceled, Failed, |
code | string | N | If the payment goes wrong, an error code is returned |
message | string | N | If the payment goes wrong, an error message is returned |
Alternative Flow - Initialize Payment Intent, and Pay Later
Alternatively, the customer can choose to initialize the payment intent, and save the payment method option, and then pay later during the checkout process. This is suitable for customer that wishes to let their payer to pre-choose the default payment method first (step 1), and then complete payment later (step 2).
Step 1: Select payment method
final intent = PaymentIntent(
amount: 0.1,
currency: "HKD",
orderNumber: "202403081229292766405205",
final method = await;
intent.paymentMethod = method;
Step 2: Start the payment process
final result = await;
View your current payment method and add a verified credit card
Check payment details
If you need to query payment details, please query through the server interface