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10. Create Order

You can create the order information in advance on the Wonder side through the Create Order API, and then pass the order number to Payment SDK / Payment ECR to complete the payment.

reference_number: We strongly recommend that you pass the reference number parameter to be associated with your ordering system.

Query Parameters
    with_payment_link boolean

    If you need create wonder payment link

    Example: true
Header Parameters
    Nonce string required

    random 16 bytes alphanumerics

    Credential string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: d900da8b-6e16-4a85-8a66-05d29ac53f24/20240501120123/Wonder-RSA-SHA256
    Signature string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: lM42cgyuLS98Dieydc8K2OD3KwYkOXibpV9pFvr/R0i/830M/FPKUKbav2UBBN3M3EdPk/PpvKQlvBNT+NbEg20CKuiDTZWDc3r7KiA1pdZsui/57XCVhC2s01W8jEM+G5lS362+p8+E0K6UKQDrJMyVpbDT31XSkSJIxae+uDi2nJr4DnIkemeU2LlNDRPPGe9NeX7z3B3N3LwIiQgKMyauPqAjro0UrZykQM9pv4UySRSU2cT8EcjQmyKxbzyuR2A47PyeodJvotlIthdfCHIxG52D06tpRJlRVbUdvxSg14bFiPbr3FwCvruZlbR15gOanJCqE4wp4fC8qEXXsg==
    Content-type string required
    Example: application/json
    x-request-id string
    Example: d900da8b-6e16-4a85-8a66-05d29ac53f24
Request Body
    app_id uuid

    openapi appid for create order from ECR.

    customer_uuid uuid

    customer uuid created by customer API

    order object required
    charge_fee charge fee required

    Default value: 0.00

    The amount you charge your customers

    tips charge fee

    Default value: 0.00

    The amount you charge your customers

    currency currency code required

    currency code, eg HKD

    reference_number your side unique number required

    your side unique number

    due_date due date

    If this date is exceeded, the order will be automatically voided

    note note

    Note information for the order, needs to be less than 255 characters

    line_items object[]

    If you wish to display additional line item information

  • Array [
  • uuid uuid

    UUID V4

    purchasable_type PurchasableType required

    Possible values: [RearTips, Charge]

    purchasable_id string

    just for purchaseable_type = Listing

    price string required
    quantity string required
    total string required
    label Product Name

    Product Name

  • ]
  • callback_url url

    The address of the backend webhook

    redirect_url url

    The redirection address after the payment link is completed

    is_only_pre_auth boolean

    Default value: false


Response Headers

      error_code string required
      error_message string required
      data object
      order object required
      source Transaction source required

      Transaction source

      type Order type required

      Order type

      number Wonder unique id required

      Wonder unique id

      reference_number Your Side unique id required

      your side unique id

      due_date due date required

      due date

      initial_total Order total required

      Order total

      initial_tips Order tips required

      Order tips

      subtotal number required
      paid_total Order Paid total required

      sum of successful transaction amount

      unpaid_total Order unpaid total required

      initial_total - paid_total

      state Order state required

      Order state

      correspondence_state Order payment state required

      Order payment state

      currency Currency required
      return_url frontend return url

      for payment link, when payment finished redirect to this url

      notify_url Webhook url

      if you fill it, wonder will callback your this url after state changed

      line_items object[]
    • Array [
    • uuid string
      purchasable_type PurchasableType required

      Possible values: [RearTips, Charge]

      purchase_id integer
      price integer required
      quantity integer required
      total integer required
      label string
    • ]
    • transactions object[]
    • Array [
    • type Transaction Type required

      Possible values: [Sales, Authorization, Refund, Capture]

      uuid Wonder transaction uuid required

      Wonder transaction uuid

      currency transaction currency required

      transaction currency

      amount transaction amount required

      transaction amount

      success success required

      if transaction successful

      is_pending boolean required

      for async payment,if transaction still pending

      captured boolean required

      for card pure-auth,if transaction captured

      allow_void boolean required

      if transaction allowed to void

      allow_refund boolean required

      if transaction allowed to refund

      void_is_pending boolean required

      if void still pending

      payment_method string required

      which payment method

      note string required

      transaction remark

      payment_data object required

      related to payment method

      acquirer_name string required
      acquirer_type string required
      auth_code string required
      brn string required
      card_id string required
      card_number_len integer required
      card_read_mode string required
      credit_card_type string required
      first_6_digits string required
      last_4_digits string required
      merchant_id string required
      new_gateway_txn_id string required
      payment_method string required
      receipt_id string required
      rrn string required
      transaction_state string required
      original_transaction_uuid original transacation uuid

      original transacation uuid

    • ]
    • payment_link Payment Link Url

      if you pass with_payment_link=true query params
